Our New GLOEX Polishing Line for Miles Supply

Go to BLOG home pageWhen you hear “fickert” do you think of a brick, a shape, a machine, or the bond or resin?

Our new Gloex Flexible Diamond Polishing Pad has a bond that’s similar to a fickert brick!
We call it F-bond. We recommend that you try these quality polishing discs; they last longer and yield better productivity. You will notice the F-Bond Gloex Diamond pads’ usable surface is a white color, this lessens the risk of discoloring your natural and man-made materials.
(See tips on honing or polishing line-ups for granite, marble, concrete, artificial stone…)

Also, with Flat Bed Polishing, we have new high quality Gloex bricks available in metal bond, resin bond, diamond bond, and buff or lux. Frankfurt can be custom ordered.


Gloex Diamond Polishing Pad

See Polish/Surfacing category.