Robotwire EVO Makes a Cone Shape

At a recent install of a Pellegrini Robotwire EVO, our machine technician Brian Melvin took pictures of it making this cool cone.Robotwire EVO

RobotWire EVO diamond wire profiling plant, equipped with CNC system, 7 axes controlled for wire inclination up 22.5°

Cutting Stone

At an angle, as the single diamond wire cuts through the stone block.

Monument Cutting

Above, the top of the cone is seen in the stone block and (below) the base is seen.

bottom of Cone Resulting Cone made by Robotwire EVO

See the amazing results!

See also exhibition art video from Marmomacc with Pellegrini’s Robot Wire EVO.

If you want more information about Pellegrini’s RobotWire EVO see here, press the Request a Quote button and ask your questions.