October: MN nominates for Giving Back Program

Our Miles Supply staff in Rockville, MN chose these WINNING Youth Organizations. (Learn about each program by scrolling down.) (…All are winners – you VOTE for the top winner to be!)

October: VOTE for top donation in Miles Supply GIVES BACK to go to:

  • HOPE 4 Youth (93%, 267 Votes)
  • Growing Green Hearts (5%, 14 Votes)
  • Boy Scouts of America, Central MN Council (2%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 286

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Voting was closed on Nov 4th at 8:30am.

The MILES SUPPLY GIVES BACK program permits YOU to vote each month for the Youth Program that you wish to receive the top donation of $500!

Every month, Miles Supply staff from one of our locations chooses 3 Youth Organizations
–This is also where you can help. Do you have a suggestion for an organization? Talk to an employee to get it nominated!

YOU vote for the Youth Organization to receive the first prize.
First prize donation:      $500
Second prize donation: $250
Third prize donation:     $100
Already Winners: each Youth Organization will receive a donation from the Miles Supply Gives Back program!

Winners are notified and posted in this Blog and on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages.
(view results of votes throughout the year) Learn about each program by scrolling down below.

Growing Green Hearts http://growinggreenhearts.com/
Through our programs, young people can Play, Learn and Love through science! Growing Green Hearts is devoted to science education, and we believe the best way to learn science is through hands-on experience. SITE VISITS, TEACHER TRAININGS, STEM workshops, NATURAL PLAYSPACES, CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT
Miles Supply Gives Back - Green


Boy Scouts of America, Central MN Council
https://www.bsacmc.org/ The Boy Scouts of America is one of the nation’s largest and most prominent values-based youth development organizations. The BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, and develops personal fitness.
Miles Supply Gives Back - Scouts


HOPE 4 Youth https://www.hope4youthmn.org
HOPE 4 Youth wants all youth to feel safe, valued, and supported while reaching their full potential. This begins with meeting their basic needs and leads to giving them the tools to thrive. HOPE 4 Youth meets the needs of youth, ages 23 and under, who are experiencing homelessness in our community.
Miles Supply Gives Back - Hope