Summer Season 2023

Summer Busy Season? Look what’s in stock!

Click on each product to see info then click on Request for a quote

Summer 2023 Email

StencilsSet-Rite Setting CompoundCLEANERSRubbing paperSandblast
Abrasives SandHandler • Cemetery • Setting Cushions

set rite setting compoundAbrasives for sandblasting stoneAlso Anchor’s Single Liner style 113 (see Anchor info page) see RFQ page Anchor StencilAnchor stencil

Customers are checking out the new Miles Supply cleaners and comparing with the other guys’….
Ours works & cost less!Our cleaners work and are economicalSandblast Nozzles carbide ceramic venturiCemetery | Blasting Equipment | SandblastingStencil Supplies | Stone Handling | Setting
| CleaningAbrasives | Monument | Safety | Dust Collection

Call us at one of our locations
or click on product images then click on ‘Request a Quote’ button
Barre, VT: 800.396.8049 | Elberton, GA: 888.283.5863 | Montrose, PA: 888.278.8383
Rockville, MN: 800.789.0815 | Terrell, TX: 844.883.4108 | Illinois: 815.847.0080

stone handling large and small equipment and riggingAardwolf Lifters – many varieties – ask Miles Supply for the best option for your needs

Smart catalogs for sandblasting products and stone equipmentonline Sandblast or Machine catalogsStone Paints from Lithco and StoneToneNote that Stone Tone aerosol is no longer available in Hilite / Highlight White

SandHandler from Miles Supply

Easy to run and set up: see our ‘Easy Set-Up’ Video

nozzles | stencils | abrasives | sandblast safety | handling | compressorsCemetery |
Sandblasting Supplies | Handling | Setting | Cleaning | Abrasives
Dust Control Solutions from StoneFlo and Italmecc
blades and blade tipping
Call Miles Supply this summer.
Barre, VT: 800.396.8049 | Elberton, GA: 888.283.5863 | Montrose, PA: 888.278.8383
Rockville, MN: 800.789.0815 | Terrell, TX: 844.883.4108 | Illinois: 815.847.0080

Monument ClampSet-Rite | Setting Cushions | StonePro Setter |  AbrasivesSurfacing | Compressors | Rubbing paper |

Also: Safety | Cones | Vests | Safety Signage

Did you know?
Our Barre store sells Sugaring Equipment & Supplies
Montrose PA has a Miles Supply retail showroom!