Update for 2023, see Eptawire 7 independent guide wheels for flexible thickness
Pellegrini will be at Marmomac+ 2022 in a big way! AREA A BOOTH 13-14 Here are some featured equipment to expect as well as other comprehensive info!
You can also check Pellegrini news on Marmomac+ website and app: (for English, click on IT on the top right to choose language).
New compact single-wire machine for blocks squaring, slabbing (and profiling Jolly version). Innovation that performs better than ever!
Revolutionary multiwire machine, the innovative and compact geometry allows 16 cuts from 2 cm thickness in mixed shots.
A unique machine which produces a wide range of surface finishings at high speed. 4 different processes at the same time!
A complete set of quarrying equipment! You can find everything you need for a 360° experience in quarry available at our booth.
But wait! There’s so much more…
Also found in Pellegrini’s comprehensive brand page on the Marmomac site:
DIAMANTFIL & DIAMANTFIL JOLLY – Monowire for squaring, slabs and profiling
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LA ROSSA – A UNIQUE SURFACE TREATMENT MACHINE FOR A WIDE RANGE OF HIGH-SPEED FINISHES See info scroll below – or click to request quote and for more info
TRIMWIRE – Monowire for squaring and slabbing in the quarry Click to request a quote
See info scroll below – or Click to request a quote
ROBOTWIRE – Range of monowire profiling machines for 2D and 3D shapes – See for RFQ
ROBOTWIRE EVO – Revolutionary profiling monowire saw for complex profiles
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MAGICWIRE 16 – Revolutionary multiwire machine, The innovative and compact geometry allows 16 cuts from 2 cm thickness in mixed shots
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MAGICWIRE 16 XL version allows to cut 1.5 m block in one shot. With 16 wires it is possible to cut 16 slabs of large thickness.
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WATERSTORM – High pressure water surface treatment
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Here’s more info!
DIAMANTFIL & DIAMANTFIL JOLLY – Monowire for squaring, slabs and profiling
New single wire saw Diamantfil, available both in stationary and gantry version (on Rollers), is equipped with a compact structure and with four wheels, 120cm diameter (one of which is the motor, one is the tensioner and two are idle). The main motor is low power (11 kW) and the foundations are simple.
The wire speed is adjustable between 0 and 40 mt/sec through an inverter while the tensioning system is electronic to grant the best cutting precision and long life of the wire. The machine is already equipped with the automatic cutting system to realize a cycle of pre-selected slabs thicknesses. The “Jolly” version with 4 CNC controlled axes adds the two-dimensional profiling function. RFQ
MAGICWIRE 16 – Revolutionary multiwire machine, The innovative and compact geometry allows 16 cuts from 2 cm thickness in mixed shots
Innovative geometry: only 1 motor drum (diameter 1 m ), 16 tensioning wheels (diameter 1.5 m) and two small guide drums (diameter .6 m) allow a simple and reliable management of the wires. Simple and easy access to the various parts of the machine through large carters and a comfortable working platform reachable via safety stairs. Simple and easy positioning of the wires process: the thickness change is possible thanks to a fast and manual moving of the wheels along the shaft with insertion of open spacers among the wheels. Patented tensioning system, installed and utilized on all multiwire machines produced by Pellegrini in the years. Auxiliary facilities like lubrication and regulation services are available to the operator in a very reduced space: everything is easily under control! User friendly Touch Screen interface: the control panel show all the needed information and parameters to the operator to simplify the management of the machine. click for Quote
MAGICWIRE 16 XL version allows to cut 1.5 m block in one shot. With 16 wires it is possible to cut 16 slabs of large thickness.
DF 1200 SHV – JOLLY – Compact multipurpose monowire saw for block squaring, slabbing and splitting for stone panels
Special stationary diamond wire saw DF 1200 SHV / JOLLY able to perform marble and granite slabs splitting placed horizontally (stone panels with honeycomb reinforcement system), and/or block dressing / squaring and cut vertically slabs and thicknesses from small dimension stone blocks(thanks to the automatic cutting program (or profiling in two dimensions Jolly version). The machine has a closed loop structure and needs a very simple installation, no difficult foundations required, possibility to install it directly in quarry yards and small factories. Doubtless advantages respect to disc cutting and low power consumption. for RFQ
Multi-wire saw with a big motor drum (2.35m diameter) on drive side and twelve big independent tensioning flywheels (2m diameter), equipped with the Easy Adjustable Slab Thickness system ’E.A.S.T.’. The plant is completed by a guide-drum (.8m diameter), on the tensioning side. A robust structure, composed by two rectangular section vertical columns, having high resistance to bending and torsion grant high rigidity an maximum precision. Thanks to the innovative ‘E.A.S.T.’ system the variation of the thicknesses on the tensioning side is provided manually by the operator in a simple and quick way, without removing the flywheels. On the motor drum and on the wire guide drum, it is enough to shift the wires from one groove to another. The control panel includes a PLC that drives the block trolley displacement after each cut, allowing an automatic sequence of cutting cycles.
This version represents an evolution of the well-known Pentawire gangsaw, characterized by the simple and fast adjustment of the slabs thickness, both in the same shot and from cut to cut. A patented mechanical system allows to slide along the common shaft – and independently each other – four of the five flywheels, so as to vary the thickness of each slab from 2 up to 15 cm.
This mechanism can be installed on the group of the five tensioning flywheels, leaving on the motor side the large motor drum, equipped with a series of grooves with 10 mm pitch approx.; in this case, the thickness adjustment on the drum can be done by moving each wire by a groove to another, while the variation of the distance between the flywheels is obtained through a manual crank.
This version of the Pentawire is named VT-AT, and by using diamond wires with 8.3 mm beads diameter, it is possible to obtain all thicknesses between 21 and 151 mm at metric intervals (21, 31, 41, … , 141, 151). Depending on the number of wires installed and the thicknesses of the other slabs, it is possible to obtain thicknesses higher than 15 cm up to 610 mm (this is the case of only two wires installed). Replacing the motor drum with five flywheels, equipped with the same adjustment system as above described, it is possible to realize even thickness in inches or any intermediate thickness in the given ranges. This version is named VV-AT.
Multiwire suitable to realize 20 cuts of 1 cm thickness in the same drop. The other thicknesses which can be obtained are 2, 3 cm and more. A unique and patented feature of the POLYONE series consists of a special wire winding geometry that allows two cuts in the block for each diamond wire. With the POLYONE 20 version it is therefore possible to obtain 20 cuts in the block with 10 wires to realize 1 cm thicknesses, 14 cuts of 2 cm with 7 wires, and 10 cuts of 3 cm with 5 wires. RFQ
The motor drum (diam. 2,35 mt) is provided with a series of grooves with 10 mm pitch, which accept the diamond wires in the different cutting configurations.
Each carriage supports a guide drum (diam. 40 cm) which is itself equipped with a series of grooves, 10 mm pitch, granting cutting precision even for the execution of small thickness slabs. Each tensioning flywheel (diam. 2,150 mt) is equipped with the well-known “multipull” pa- tented system, granting an independent ten- sion of each diamond wire and controlling the relevant conditions each moment through a sensor.
A primary electro-mechanic tensioning system further allows to place all the flywheels group in the suitable working position, granting an easy intervention on the wires during maintenance phases.
A mechanical device is operated through a crank to adjust the thicknesses of the slabs into a range between 2.1 and 14.5 cm, in a simple and fast way. The thicknesses of the slabs can be the same or even mixed in the same shot. The control panel includes a PC for setting the cutting parameters, the automatic control of the tension on each diamond wire, the diagnosis of eventual faults and their storage. It is also possible the network connection to allow the re- mote assistance. click for RFQ
ROBOTWIRE – Range of monowire profiling machines for 2D and 3D shapes – See for RFQ
ROBOTWIRE EVO – Revolutionary profiling monowire saw for complex profiles click for quote
Diamond wire profiling plant, equipped with CNC system, seven axes controlled for wire inclination up to 22,5°. The Robot Wire Evo represents the latest innovative and advanced model implementing the historical range of Pellegrini profiling machines. Ideal for cutting profiles in two and three dimensions, out from blocks of marble, granite and ornamental stones, up to 2.6 meters width and 1.7 meters high. The seven controlled axes (block-carriage shift, platform rotation, distinct rotation of the two guide-wheel groups, and independent inclination of the two flywheels, telescopic prolongation of the arch) use brushless drives. This version represents an important evolution because the inclination of the diamond wire can reach an angle up to 22.5°, allowing to realize a wider variety of shapes. One of the key features of RW EVO is the arch type structure patented system ; the two groups of flywheels are connected by this structural element which prolongs or reduces automatically thanks to a telescopic micrometric system according to the angle position of the wire and so to the diagonal distance between the main flywheels; the constant distance of the guide wheels from the block is so granted and the cutting precision is assured in whichever cutting configuration. The electronic tensioning system moreover keeps the tension on the wire always under control, giving always a prompt response in a model like this where the wire has to be properly managed in whichever position it is. The position of two guide-wheels groups respect to the block width are electronically adjusted to increase the cutting accuracy even on smaller stones. All the mechanical components are automatically lubricated to keep the best precision through the time. The Robot Evo has been designed to keep the overall dimensions more compact than normally required for a kind of machine like this. RW Evo : a further innovative step satisfying the most exigent market needs.
DERRICK CRANES : Efficient handling is essential to guaranteeing production in the quarry. The solution is the DERRICK CRANE installed in the quarry. The DERRICK crane is a single machine that can carry up to 70 tons, covering an area of even 5000 m², a common sight in today’s mechanized quarries. Trucks Loading and unloading operations are greatly speeded up. The Derrick crane can serve the whole quarry area, lifting heavy machinery (even front loaders, excavators and trucks) avoiding the need of realizing expensive access roads to every working level. Usage and maintenance costs are quite low, however negligible compared to those of other systems. Efficient handling is essential to guaranteeing production in processing plant. The solution is an OVERHEAD CRANE or a GANTRY CRANE at the plant to move equipment and blocks. OVERHEAD CRANES and GANTRY CRANES are everywhere inside and outside the plant building for any handling need. Cranes of any size and capacity can be supplied, as to your needs. We also supply block tilting ROTOFIX, for 90° block rotation and preparation of block faces to following cutting operations. Stationary and mobile single/multiwire machines are supplied with BLOCK TROLLEYS of different versions according to type of plant.
TRIMWIRE – Monowire for squaring and slabbing in the quarry Click to request a quote
TRIMWIRE harmonizes the advantages of a stationary machine with a mobile quarry machine. It is composed of a single wire structure installed on a tracks vehicle equipped with a diesel engine and designed to be easily configured for transport from quarry to quarry on trailer.
Equipped with 4 hydraulic stabilizers, the cutting arch is rotated and brought to the desired height, thus aligning the wire to the face of the block to be cut. The arch structure slides vertically along the column, while the wire is driven by a motor flywheel and guided by guide-wheels. Moreover the entire structure can move along the rails (4 meters) placed on the top of the vehicle to obtain different thicknesses and inclined cuts thanks to the combination of the movements.
All the drives are hydraulic and the main controls are operated by radio control device. Possibility of rotation of the arch, 90° on one side and 90° on the other side, to be able to square two rows of blocks positioned on both sides of the machine, right and left, optimizing the production.
WATERSTORM – High pressure water surface treatment
This plant performs a special type of rough-surfacing process on granites, some types of marbles and natural stones, and other construction materials. Through a series of nozzles positioned on a rotating head, high pressure water jets up to 2400 bar are pushed against the surface to produce cavities variable in size and deepness depending from the water pressure, the head displacement and rotation speed, the slab translation speed. Contrary to the flaming treatment, the natural color and structure of the materials are highlighted by this treatment. The equipment is capable of high production rates and it is generally completed with automatic trolleys for loading and unloading the slabs. A PLC controls the system and stores specific recipes with all the processing parameters used for each type of material, which can easily be recalled for a quick and easy setting of subsequent similar productions. A special locking kit for the head allows to perform interesting grooving and lines on the slabs, while another special head system allows to get even some drawings on the slabs. request a quote
QUARRYING PLANT FOR DIMENSIONAL STONE BLOCKS OF MARBLE, GRANITE AND OTHER STONES. (Click for Quotes) This machine range includes technologically up-to-date cutting machines using diamond wire, drilling machines and accessory equipment for tipping and splitting. Pellegrini produces a highly productive and cost effective range of diamond wire quarry saws, the TELEDIAM machines, including specific models for Marble and Granite, other stones and concrete structures, from 25 HP up to 100 HP. CHAINSAW for marble quarries has been developed for an economical operation aim. Provided with only electric drive systems to limit energy consumption and offer better speed control while the innovative design of the Tungsten Carbide tool supports offers an excellent combination of good tool life and high cutting speed. Complete drilling systems such as SLIM DRILLER, pneumatic driller fitted with a down-the-hole hammer ideal for getting vertical and horizontal holes suitable to pass diamond wire through massive rock, HORIZON horizontal drill for horizontal holes on the quarry-floor level (under-cuts for benches), usable in all stones, SLIM BAR: light-weight rail-mounted pneumatic block cutter, one hammer with a spherical coupling it can drill at any angle, TBC-90: automatic heavy duty line drilling machine on rails; available with one or two heavy-duty rock drills. Kit for horizontal drilling may be added. TITANO is a hydraulic cylinder set for bench tipping, HYDROSPLIT is a hydraulic splitting-wedge system and EV pneumatic cushions or hydraulic HYDRO-BAG are devices for for tipping.
This machine permits to integrate different treatments to obtain new textures which are not obtainable with other machines thanks to 4 bridges installed able to work independently. The basic treatments on marble, that can be mixed, are the following : Comma, – Champering – Roto bush-hammering – Sandblasting – Brushing – Antiquing – Polishing – Grinding. The basic treatments on granite are the following : Roto bush-hammering -Sandblasting- Antiquing – Polishing – Grinding.
The machine “LA ROSSA SCANNER” has a useful working height of 25cm, controlled by a pneumatic piston able to change the applied load according to the finishing requirements. The translation and the rotation of each head, and the feeding of the belt are electrically controlled by an inverter and operated by PLC to permit a total freedom in the management of the parameters. The machine can be customized with the integration of flaming or bushhammering devices with a 5 hammers rotating head. A scanner device ensures the automatic adjustment of the heads movements according to the width of the slabs.